How to Prepare for Your Next Performance Review (Manager’s Guide)


Performance reviews are delicate because they include sensitive topics that some employees would rather avoid. However, you should remember that 75% of employees consider feedback necessary.

It means your job is to prepare well and deliver an accurate report. But how can you do that? Here is the list of four things you can do to set up a good employee performance review meeting.

How to prepare for a performance review

Define the goals of the review

The goals of an employee performance review vary depending on the organization and the team member’s role. But a few details apply to all types of performance analyses. As a manager, you should focus on the following:

Define the tasks of your employees. What are they working towards? What are their objectives? In this case, it helps to be an active and focused listener.
Acknowledge their recent accomplishments. What have they done that’s worth celebrating?
Understand their development needs. What skills do they need to work on? Are they able to put their creative ideas into practice?
Be prepared to give specific feedback. This means being honest and objective and avoiding general comments. You also need to add a dose of constructive criticism.
Have a constructive discussion about the review. This is an opportunity to talk about both successes and areas for improvement.
Follow up after the review. Ask questions to see how your team member is progressing.

A detail to remember is that a performance review is not a one-time event. On the contrary, it is part of an ongoing communication process between you and your team members.

By being ready and taking the time to understand their needs, you can make the most of this opportunity to help them grow and develop in their careers.

Choose a specific type of review

Another task is to pick a specific review type. Even though it may seem simple, sometimes it’s hard to determine the most suitable type because so many options are available.

For instance, 360 performance reviews can give a more well-rounded view of someone’s strengths and weaknesses. It’s a holistic approach that usually works best with annual performance evaluations.

Besides that, a 360 review often increases transparency and communication between HR leaders, managers, and other team members. In other words, they build trust within the organization.

On the other hand, peer reviews work best when you need to understand teamwork specifics deeply. This performance review allows managers to determine individual contributions to team success. Finally, you can opt for topic-based reviews when evaluating specific units of the organization.

Use a template

If you want to maximize the efficiency of your performance reviews, you need to use shortcuts to succeed. Performance review templates are the simplest solution because they enable managers to speed up the process while sticking to critical aspects of employee engagement.

But as with all things in business, performance review templates come in various shapes and formats. Our suggestion is to stick to the standard options, such as:

Annual performance review template: This one focuses on a 12-month period and analyzes the annual achievements and core values.
Mid-year performance review template: A six-month evaluation is goal-oriented and result-driven. It is your chance to give further instructions to the employees on how to boost their productivity in the coming months.
Quarterly performance reviews: This template poses questions about employee satisfaction, operating tools, and future goals and plans.
GOOD performance review template: The GOOD methodology stands for goals, obstacles, opportunities, and decisions. You can easily track any team member’s progress with these four areas.
Peer review template: If you want to gain insights about an employee from the perspective of their colleagues, you should use the peer review template. It can also reveal whether a person brings creative or innovative ideas to the team.
Self-performance review template: The person under review can sometimes give you the finest insights into their professional behavior or critical thinking skills. In this case, you should seize the potential of the self-performance review template.
Team performance template: There are times when you need to concentrate on collective accomplishments. In such circumstances, you can count on team performance review templates.

As you can see, each of these formats has a particular purpose. If you understand the goal of your assessment, it’s easy to pick the right
performance review platforms.

Take care of logistics

As a manager, your job is also to take care of the logistics—it is critical if you want to organize a genuinely productive employee evaluation. The idea is to set the stage for an employee performance review.

Preparing the environment will ensure the meeting is up-to-the-point, concise, and positive. But how do you do that?

1. Firstly, ensure a quiet, private space where you will not be interrupted.
2. Take a few minutes to review the employee’s file and performance evaluations from past years. That way, you can identify trends or patterns relevant to the discussion.
3. Finally, you must prepare technicalities like spreadsheets, templates, presentations, and similar detail.

By taking these steps, you will create an environment conducive to a productive and positive performance review.


Now you have the steps to prepare for your next performance review. The key is to maintain clear lines of communication with your employees and provide them with the feedback they need to improve results. That way, team members always have a recent conversation to look back on and reflect upon without feeling constantly scrutinized.

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