New teaching techniques for school teachers in 2023



There’s no doubt that technology has revolutionised the classroom. But while it can be an incredibly useful tool, it’s important to remember that teachers are still at the centre of their students’ learning experience. 

In order to stay ahead of the curve as an educator, you must constantly evolve your teaching techniques and adapt them to today’s tech-friendly culture. Here are some new teaching techniques for school teachers that will help you upgrade your classroom engagement according to the contemporary times: 

Knowledge sharing

Knowledge sharing is very easy today since we have the virtual medium at our fingertips. Opening students’ minds to various cultures and their ways of living can inspire respect and innovation at the same time. Teachers can share various resources like articles, eBooks, videos, documentaries, etc. to foster learning through real life experiences.

Let your students design their own syllabus

This is a great way to teach your students how to create their own learning goals. You can also have them set their own deadlines, prioritise their workload, and plan their time accordingly. This will help them become more independent learners and assist them in getting the most out of your class time.

Utilise peer learning

If you’re looking for a new way to teach, peer learning is a great option. In peer learning, students learn from each other rather than from the teacher. This can be used in the classroom for everything from maths to history. In fact, it’s an excellent technique for helping students understand concepts that aren’t easy to grasp on their own. 

For example, if one student doesn’t understand how compound interest works but another does, they’ll be able to explain it to each other and then both understand it better as a result of this exchange of knowledge. 

Peer learning can also be useful when your class needs help with homework assignments; if one student knows exactly what they need to do while another doesn’t have any idea where to start (or even what the assignment requires), they can help each other out with this type of resource sharing too!

Design more interactive lessons

Active learning methods involve students in the process of learning. For example, you can use group work to help students learn about a topic by working in teams to solve problems and answer questions about it. You can also design games or competitions that involve active participation on the part of your students.

Some examples would be hands-on learning methods and role play and simulations. In hands-on learning, students can use their bodies as well as their minds when they get involved with a subject matter. 

For example, instead of simply reading about how a volcano works, have them actually make models out of clay that show different parts of an eruption and how they interact with each other; this will help them understand more clearly what happens inside volcanoes when they erupt.

Role play and simulations are similar but involve students taking on characters rather than just pretending as if they were experiencing something themselves (as in role play). In simulations, though, there is usually some sort of computerised component involved so that events can be monitored and analysed at various points throughout the exercise.

Community for students

Create a community for students. It should be a space where the students feel comfortable to share their ideas, and disagree with each other. The community should focus on gratitude building to promote a healthy outlook towards life. You can also go for weekly meetings where students give each other shout-outs for accomplishing their tasks. This way, you can teach them important values in life.

Life skills and social skills

Learning life and social skills is important for students because these skills will be used when they grow up. For example, if a child knows how to make friends, they’ll have more friends. Students can learn life and social skills by doing some chores at home or for the community. They can then come back and share their experience. This way, they will build respect for all kinds of work and people.

Make school more transparent to parents or guardians

You can make school more transparent to parents and guardians by holding regular meetings with them. These should be held at least once a term, if not more often, and should include all the teachers’ names and their roles in the school. Keeping them informed of what your students are doing in class so they know how well their children are learning. This may mean sending home progress reports or sending emails with pictures of their child’s work.

There’s always room for improvement as a teacher

You’re never done learning. As a teacher, you should always be willing to try new things in your classroom. You may have a tried-and-true lesson plan, but it doesn’t hurt to experiment with something different every once in a while. If you don’t think the students are getting it, try changing up your teaching style or even your tone of voice.

You need to be open to feedback from parents and other teachers as well as students themselves . This is especially true if you’re just starting out on the job—you want everyone involved with your class at all levels so that everyone feels invested and can offer suggestions for improvement.


There’s a lot of room for improvement when it comes to teaching. There are so many different ways we can make our classrooms more engaging and relevant for students, which is why we wanted to share these tips with you! We hope they help make your job easier in the future.

You can even go for a teacher course that will help you upgrade your teaching techniques according to the aspirations of Gen Z. Suraasa, the world’s leading teacher training platform. They have a wide selection of teaching qualifications that help teachers acquire 21st century teaching skills. Some of these qualifications are internationally accredited as well. So, do remember to check them out. 

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