The Deep Water Summary

The Deep Water Summary Class 12th English.

Brief Introduction Or The Deep Water Summary Class 12th English:- 

Deep Water is based on an accident from William Douglas’ childhood, which describes how William Douglas had learned to swim by overcoming his fears. In this chapter he encountered what he had to learn to swim. The author tells you about the true event of his life, now we know what happened in this deep water Chapter.  So Without Wasting Any Time, Let’s Get Started.

Other Interesting Summary Of Chapters:-  

Summary of The Deep Water 

” Chapter Deep Water ” written by William Douglas is taken from his books ‘ of Man and mountains ‘. Here We Will Provide You a Brief ” The Deep Water Summary “.

‘ Deep Water ‘ shows how scared of Water, Douglas had been as a boy. His first such experience was on the sea beach. He was with his father when a powerful wave swept over him. Through the wave receded, is left Douglas petrified. He aimed to learn swimming, For this, he Chooses the Y.M.C.A pool. It was safe. Its depth at the end was only two fits. However, the Deep end was nine fit Deep.

One day, a man young picked Douglas and tossed him into the deep side of the pool. Douglas sank to the bottom. However, he jumped and came up Gradually. Fear had seized him and he was nearly drowned. His efforts to save himself went in vain. No one came to his rescue. He tried to breathe but swallowed water. Through death was at his doorstep, he experienced complete freedom from the fear of death. He lay incomplete pieces. There was no sensation or fear of death. But someone finally saves him. This horrific experience, However, shook Douglas badly. Its memories haunted him so much that he felt sick. The sight of the water rattled him so much that he could not even go canoeing or fishing.

So at the end of The Deep Water summary, he made up his mind to overcome his fear. He found an instructor who trained him as a swimmer bit by bit. He was able to overcome his fear completely and swim for miles.

The experience of fear and death; and its conquest made him live intensely. Conquering fear made him release the true value of life and helped him enjoy every moment of his living. He finally learned to live life to the full.

Interesting Article:- 

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